LHiNC Board Elections
LHiNC is a group of 15 directors elected by the community at the annual meeting in October. Applicants must be over 18 and a Linden Hills resident. Board members serve a 2-year term. Half of the board is elected every year.
Members participate in monthly meetings, typically the first Tuesday of each month from 7-9pm at Linden Hills Park. Members commit to an average of 6 to 10 hours per month which consists of attending monthly meetings, participating on committees, and organizing the Linden Hills Festival. Members may also have a role in these activities:
- Coordinating the Linden Hills Line and E-newsletter
- Administering tree planting
- Pursuing Aging in Place options for Linden Hills
- Providing a forum for other community concerns where appropriate
LHiNC exists to promote the long-term sustainability of our neighborhood. It facilitates new initiatives, administers grants, and promotes cross-neighborhood collaboration and programs with other non-profits, businesses, the City of Minneapolis, and other stakeholders.